Other Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. When was VELTRA Corporation established?
A. VELTRA Corporation was established on November 13, 1991.
Q. Which market is VELTRA Corporation listed?
A. VELTRA Corporation is listed in the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Q. What is the securities code for VELTRA Corporation?
A. The securities code for VELTRA Corporation is 7048. The business category for VELTRA Corporation is services.
Q. When does VELTRA Corporation settle its accounts?
A. VELTRA Corporation settles its accounts on December 31 of each year. VELTRA Corporation is disclosing information on account settlement on a quarterly basis. Refer to the IR Calendar for details.
Q. When does VELTRA Corporation announce a summary of financial results?
See the IR Calendar.
Q. Tell us about your historical operating results.
Q. Tell us about your results forecasts.
A. See the summary of financial results in the IR Library for results forecasts.
Q. What are the details of VELTRA Corporation's businesses?
Q. Which unit does VELTRA Corporation adopt for trading shares?
A. VELTRA Corporation adopts 100 shares as its unit for trading shares.
Q. Tell us about the shareholder registry administrator.
A. The shareholder registry administrator for VELTRA Corporation is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. Refer to the Shares page for details.
Q. Which is the VELTRA Corporation section in charge of IR-related inquiries.